"Un A�o Completo" Fino Otomi Tablecloth

Un Año CompletoFino Otomi Tablecloth
"Un A�o Completo" Fino Otomi Tablecloth
Item Number: BOR82
Otomi textiles originate from the indigenous people of eastern Mexico, in what are now the states of Puebla and Hidalgo. A centuries-old craft in the evolution of hand embroidery techniques, modern Otomi textiles, known as tenangos, incorporate colorful images of plants, animals, people and activities. Both the real and mystical imagery of the textiles depict the Otomi cosmovision originally recorded in regional cliff drawings.

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Un Año Completo Fino Otomi Tablecloth
"Un A�o Completo" Fino Otomi Tablecloth
70" x 70"
Item #: BOR82
This item is one of a kind.
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Helpful Information
  • This is a One-of-a-Kind Otomi tapestry.
  • Made from cotton embroidery floss, hand-stitched onto 100% cotton fabric.