
Color affects every facet of our lives

July 18, 2016

Selecting the right glassware for your table and bar will enhance the appearance of your table presentation, add elegance to your serving style and give flair to an aspect of ordinary dining and entertaining that is often overlooked.

Approximately seven million different colors can be perceived by the human eye, so deciding what you want when decorating, and narrowing your choice down to one color family, still leaves you with millions of variations to choose from. So it's important to understand the effects of the temperature of color, color components, color terminology, how light affects color and the tricks color can play on color.

A color is described as cool or warm depending on its position in the color spectrum and the hues of its nearest neighboring color. Warm colors project the hot hues of sunlight and promote a feeling of warmth in a room. They advance space and are used to make walls appear closer. Cool colors reflect the fresh violets and blues of moonlight. They enhance the space in a room by making the walls appear further away.

Primary colors are blue, red and yellow. These are pure colors that have no component other than themselves. Secondary colors are orange, green and purple. Color complements are those colors that work well together. They are diagonally opposite each other on the color wheel. Each complement is made up of the two primary colors either side of it which balances the complement. Each warm color has a cool color as its complement. We all see color slightly differently depending on the perception of the light and color-sensitive receptors in our eyes. So the ability to see color is a sensation, just like smelling or tasting.

A fun and festive way to add color to your home is by adding home accessories ; which many times can be a small investment yet high impact! Some lower cost examples would be folk art crosses , colorful house numbers ,talavera tiles or possibly a tin & tile mirror .

If money is no object, then consider investing in a one-of-a-kind Otomi Embroidered tapestry or Painting.

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