Barro Brunido, or "Burnished Clay" is one of the oldest known pre-Hispanic pottery techniques and the foundation from which numerous other clay techniques have been derived. Originally used as vessels to carry water, the creation process is a laborious one. It begins by selecting the clay and shaping the piece, which is left to air dry for up to a month. Next comes the first burnishing stage, where little by little the clay is moistened, then rubbed silky smooth with a river stone. Afterwards, a clay slip is applied to further ensure the pores are watertight, and the artisan then delicately paints the designs. Next comes the second burnishing stage, this time with a stone of iron pyrite, which shines the surface to a luminous glow. Lastly, according to pre-Hispanic tradition, the piece is fired between 500 and 700 degrees Celsius. Please Choose an Item
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Known as a "churumbela", this Nagual-shaped vase by master artisan Jose Luis Cortez will make an exceptional addition to any fine art collection. We Also Suggest
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